Registration is open for the first Native Hawaiian Convention on the continent. Hosted by the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA), the convention has been held annually in Hawaii. According to the council’s official website, “It’s only fitting that we take convention to the continental United States now that the amount of Native Hawaiians living there has surpassed the number residing in our ancestral homeland.”
The inaugural Western Regional Native Hawaiian Convention will be held Monday, June 19 – Thursday, June 22, 2023, at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. With nearly 1,200 expected attendees, the convention will feature discussions by practitioners, educators, entrepreneurs, elders and artisans about the latest issues affecting our community, including cultural perpetuation, healthcare, housing and tourism.
What’s on the agenda?
Monday, June 19, 2023 will focus on the perpetuation of our mo’omeheu (Hawaiian culture). Renowned experts will host workshops focusing on mele (songs), oli (chants) and hula (dance). Monday is considered pre-convention, allowing those ‘eleu (diligent) guests who get situated in Vegas early to attend bonus activities. Breakout sessions will include:
- Hula Workshop with Kumu Hula Rocky Holt-Takamine
- Mele/’Oli Workshop with Kumu Hula Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu
- Genealogy Workshop with Puka Asing
- Hawaiian Language Class with Kumu Kahanuola Solatorio
- Mauna Kea Workshop with Noe Noe Wong-Wilson and Mahinapoepoe Passion-Duarte
- Lunch & Lei with Uncle Bill Char
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 officially kicks off the inaugural Western Regional Native Hawaiian Convention with an Opening Ceremony and cultural protocol. Plenary activities include keynote speech and panel discussions; the afternoon will include breakout discussions on critical policy issues. The day will close with an evening hula showcase.
- Plenary Panel Discussion: Rediscovering Hawaii’s Soul
- Panel Discussion: Cultural Awakening with Kumu Hina
- Breakout Session: Lei Making Workshop
- Breakout Session: Hawaii is our Mainland, regardless of where you live
- Breakout Session: E-Commerce: Building your online presence with Alex McCullough
- Breakout Session: Intellectual Property – Stop Stealing Our $#*t!
- Breakout Session: The Do’s and Don’t’s of Running a Non-Profit
- Breakout Session: Honing your executive leadership skills
- and more!
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 will include a keynote speech and panel discussions with national and local thought leaders and government officials as they tackle the most pressing policy issues facing our community in Hawai?i and across the nation. Afternoon breakout discussions will include:
- Breakout Session: Changing the reality of Native Hawaiian health
- Breakout Session: Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana
- Expanding Your Business to the Continent
- Breakout Session: Branding and Marketing
- Breakout Session: Women in Business
- Breakout Session: Connecting Virtually to Hawai’i
- Breakout Session: Affordable Housing for NHPIs
- and more!
For more information about the convention and to register, please visit: hawaiiancouncil.org/convention